Specialist Chiropractic Care
for Babies & Children
Understanding and supporting healthy development in babies and children.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
in babies & children
Tara is experienced and qualified in assessing and caring for babies and children having completed extensive post-graduate training. She is a member of the Specialist Pregnancy and Paediatrics Faculty of the Royal College of Chiropractors.
As a mother to mother peer supporter of the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM) Tara is able to provide free breastfeeding support to you at your home if needed.
Examination of babies and young children focuses on assessing their sensory-neuro-motor development, soft tissue (fascial), cranial and joint function. Babies and children not not mini adults in terms of their specific physical function, development and needs. Therefore the approach is very specific to their age and developmental stage.
In clinic we see babies who present with feeding issues. We are able to adequately assess for feeding issues potentially associated with tongue tie and oral facial function. We are able to provide support by also collaborating with a lactation consultant (IBCLC) and tongue tie practitioner in the area.

What to expect
Your initial consultation
We need to gather as much relevant information about your child’s health and development. There will be discussion about;
Reasons for seeking help
Medical history of your child
Pregnancy history
Labour experience
Infant feeding
The more information the better. Parents/caregivers have plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
There will be a physical assessment your child.
Our aims
Observe and assess your child’s movement (how they move on their own and when movements are done for them)
Check child’s age and stage developmental milestones
Neurological examination
Check feeding ability, and evidence of tongue-tie
Assess for retained primitive reflexes
These assessments are gentle and tailored to the age of your child.